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PART ONE continued - Squares, rectangles, and other quadrilaterals



a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides
a parallelogram with all sides of equal length
a quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel sides

1. Create a rhombus using 2 triangles of the same color.

2. Create another rhombus using 2 triangles of the same color Then add 2 more triangles of a different color to create a parallelogram.

3. Add 2 more triangles of a different color again to create a larger parallelogram. How many rhombus shapes can you see in this large parallelogram ?

4. Create a trapezoid using 3 triangles of the same color.

5. Add 2 more triangles of a different color to create a longer trapezoid. How many trapezoid shapes can you see in this large trapezoid ?
How many rhombus shapes can you see in this large trapezoid ?
Can you fold back triangles to transform the trapezoid to a parallelogram ?
Can you fold back triangles to transform the trapezoid to a rhombus ?

Test your knowledge of the attributes of different types of quadrilaterals-

6. Identify which of your models are rectangles, and explain why Explain the difference between a square and other rectangles What do squares and rectangles have in common

7. Identify which of your models are parallelograms, and explain why Explain the difference between a rhombus and other parallelograms Explain the difference between a trapezoid and other parallelograms

8. Identify which of your models are quadrilaterals, and explain why Explain the difference between rectangles and other quadrilaterals Explain the difference between parallelograms and other quadrilaterals

9. Identify which of your models are 'regular' quadrilaterals, and explain why

all angles 90 degrees
all angles 90 degrees
Square   Rectangle    
4 sides
all sides equal
opposite sides parallel
  4 sides
opposite sides equal
opposite sides parallel
opposite angles equal
opposite angles equal
opposite angles NOT equal
Rhombus   Parellelogram   Trapezoid
all sides equal
opposite sides parallel
opposite sides equal
opposite sides parallel
  only 2 opposite sides parallel

10. Identify which of your models are polygons, and explain why

11. Identify which of your models are 'regular' polygons, and explain why

12. Identify for which of your models, all angles are right angles (90 degrees)

13. Identify for which of your models, opposite angles are equal

14. What is the total of all angles in a square ?

15. What is the total of all angles in a rectangle ?

16. What is the total of all angles in a rhombus ?

17. What is the total of all angles in a trapezoid ?

For 15 to 17, if unsure, measure the angles of your models with a protractor.

18. What do you think is the total of all angles in all quadrilaterals ? To prove the answer, draw some irregular quadrilaterals with all different length sides and all different size angles, and measure the angles using a protractor.


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